Bible Notes Online - Psalms 81 - ESV

Israel's repentance and restoration; the prayer of Ps 80 is answered. This Psalm was later chanted during the Passover celebrations in Jerusalem.

v1-2: Praise - our joyful duty.

v3: Num 10.10; the new moon is the start of the month; the full moon is the middle of the month.

v4-5: The reference is to the Passover, Ps 78.5.

The lesson is clear; we should bring frequent praise and thanksgiving to God. No additional excuse is needed. The decree for Israel is now the decree for all God's people.

v6-7: Remember God's deliverance. We must never forget what He has done for us, just as the Israelite people remembered their deliverance from Egypt.

God's deliverance of Israel included a time of testing, to see what was in their hearts.

v8-10: Remember God's commands. His commands are addressed to His people, for whom He maintains the deepest concern. He is a jealous God, and will tolerate no rivals. Where there is obedience, the people would find reward.

God brought up His people from Egypt, and maintained an on going concern for them.

v11-12: Israel's persistent rebellion, and they bore the consequences of their own disobedience.

v13-16: The challenge to repentance. Although we may turn away from God, even as Israel did, the door is open for real repentance. There is a great reward in going God's way, and we are foolish not to do so.