Bible Notes Online - Psalms 126 - ESV

A prophetic Psalm, looking to Judah's return from Babylon. There is also a further fulfilment in Israel's full restoration to Jerusalem.

This middle set of three (Ps 126-128) give practical teaching; of fruitfulness, of service, of family and children.

v1: The Lord restores Zion, Is 52.7-9, like a dream, so wonderful. God will honour the promises He has made to His own people.

v2-3: Response in joy and gladness and in song. There is a testimony to the nations; it could not be disputed that the hand of God was at work. We are joyful, knowing that our deliverance is of God.

v4: The South (NIV- Negev), the desert part of Judah, where little rain fell. When the rain did come, the river beds flowed with water. The prayer is that their fortunes be restored in this way.

v5-6: Sowing and reaping; sowing continually, with perseverance;

  • tears of hardship and joy of rest;
  • tears of repentance and joy of restoration;
  • tears of toil and joy of fruit.

We will return and rejoice.

True also of the Lord Jesus, who sowed His own life, and will come again, full of joy, with His sheaves of harvest. This is our dream come true; this is also the travail of His soul, and the joy set before Him. The Lord Jesus spoke much of sowing and reaping; it was something familiar to Jews of His day.