Bible Notes Online - Psalms 108 - ESV

God's help for the individual. See Ps 57.7-11; 60.6-12; those psalms were also written in times of trial (see their titles); in our trials we can find victory.

v1-4: The godly man has a desire to praise God, and he makes a decision to do so, whatever his circumstances.

v5-6: God is honoured in the salvation of His people.

v7-9: God's victory over the peoples of the earth. He exalts His own people, giving dignity to them. The Gentile nations are treated quite differently; Edom is shaken aside like dust, compare Mark 6.11.

v10-13: Although there had been the experience of defeat and frustration, the psalmist prays with confidence that God would give victory. We note that help from man is no help.