Bible Notes Online - Psalms 125 - ESV

Thanksgiving for God's protection.

v1-2: Divine protection; the hills around Jerusalem and the hill of Zion, each speak of the Lord's protection of His people. The illustration here is that the people had reached journey's end.

v3: Wickedness in the land; how sad when the wickedness prevails, for the righteous are then stumbled. The promise here is that, ultimately the sceptre will be in the hands of the Lord Himself, for He will rule over His people.

When Israel or Judah had an ungodly king, the spiritual state of the whole nation was affected, as sin and idolatry was promoted, and godly worship neglected.

v4: The Lord sees our hearts; He judges righteously and accurately.

v5: Prayer for Israel, Ps 122.8; 128.6; 131.3. There is a continuing risk;

  • that some turn to crooked ways;
  • that evildoers will continue.
  • We expect the tares to remain with the wheat; the world and the 'visible church' are mixed; separation and judgment are in God's hand, and in God's time. In the midst of this mixed multitude, the true people of God can know God's peace.