Bible Notes Online - Psalms 104 - ESV

God's power in creation; key verse v24; see Ps 19.1; 97.6.

v1: Praise to God; the right place to start; a declaration of great truths about a great God.

v2-3: All creation is subject to Him. Light, the heavens, the seas, the clouds, the winds; all these things are beyond human comprehension and control.

v4: Quoted Heb 1.7, referring to angels. The creation is God's messenger to the people of the earth.

v5-9: God's act of creation - the foundation of the earth, which was at first covered with water, Gen 1.2,6-7. The water and the land were separated, and limits set so that the water will never again cover the earth.

Here is divine order, without which life as we know it would be impossible. We need God's order and restraint in our lives, so that we might live lives that honour Him.

v10-13: Animals and vegetation are provided for; this ensures that the earth (ie: all living things) is satisfied.

v14-18: Food provided for man's needs also, not just for physical sustenance, but for refreshment also; our heart is gladdened, our face shines, and our heart is sustained. See also Gen 4.20-22; we are not just physical beings, but we have personality and soul.

Such order in the natural world points us to order in the church (1 Cor 14), where each one serves God in an appropriate role.

v19-23: God's order for creation is marked also by sun, moon, and stars, indicating day and night. Although man tends to work in the day and sleep at night, many animals are different. All this is God's order.

v24-26: The sheer power of God; the psalmist stretches language to try to describe God's works. In His wisdom, He has made all things, He has filled both earth and sea with great variety and vast numbers.

v27-28: All things are utterly dependent upon God. The provision of food for each one is ultimately from God's hand.

v29-30: In life and death, all things are also subject to God; each one reaches the end of life.

v31: The glory and the Lord God, and our response; He is the Lord who endures forever, Ps 102.25-26.

v32: God is in control of His creation, and He is greater than His creation.

Some speak of 'pantheism', where nature is worshipped as god. This psalm, as other parts of scripture, indicate that creation is not the same as God. We are commanded to worship God, not what He has made.

v33-34: Praise to God, and meditation of Him. Such is the response of the godly man wanting to know more of Him.

v35: Ultimately, God's will is demonstrated throughout creation. Wicked sinners do not share the desires of the godly, and will be punished.