Bible Notes Online - Psalms 27 - ESV

A psalm of confidence in God, similar to Ps 28; perhaps dated during 1 Sam 28.

v1: David starts with the Lord God, although he refers to his enemies, he speaks more of the Lord. The Lord means so much to him, "my light and my salvation...the stronghold of my life," "my Rock" (Ps 28.1), "my strength and my shield" (Ps 28.7); life may be hard, but without the Lord we cannot go on.

v2-3: David experienced victory over his enemies; his trust was not in his own ability but in the Lord.

v4: His desire to dwell, coming close to God; an agreement of mind and a likeness of character. This is unhurried communion, staying close to God. This is essential in times of trial. To "seek" (enquire) is to learn from Him, seeking His mind.

The implication here is that we do not constantly enjoy the closeness of God, but have seasons of particular nearness to God, that sense of His tangible presence amongst us.

v5: In times of trouble, we depend on God, having real confidence in Him, for He is faithful.

v6-7: Our response to God, as in Ps 28.6-7. In praise and prayer, with joyful song.

v8-9: We do not find help in any other; we will seek His face only.

v10: The Lord remains faithful even when men do not. David had experienced the fickleness and guile of man, and had suffered at their hands.

v11-13: Enemies arise and attack, but our hope remains in God. We will enjoy God's goodness in this life.

v14: Strength in times of difficulty; we trust in David's God, and learn from his experiences.