Bible Notes Online - Psalms 74 - ESV

Desolation of the sanctuary, perhaps referring to the attack by Shishak (2 Chr 12.9-11).

v1-2: Pleading God's faithfulness. He will not forget His people, those He has purchased for Himself.

v3-8: The spiritual life of God's people came under attack. The enemy, having set out to make such an attack, had prevailed. They attacked the sanctuary, the dwelling-place of God.

v9: No miracles, and no prophets; for such were signs of God's presence amongst His people.

v10-11: The attack upon God's people is seen as an attack upon God Himself; compare David's word in 1 Sam 17.36, 45; this is spiritual vision. Once we realise the spiritual realities, we can pray to God knowing He is directly involved.

The use of the words, "forever" and "perpetual" mean continuous and on going, rather than everlasting.

v12-15: Testimony of past blessings. In particular, the psalmist recalls the deliverance from Egypt, as the Red Sea was "split open"; the monster, Leviathan, picturing Egypt, was destroyed; the wealth of Egypt was provision for the people as they journeyed through the desert; and water was provided in the wilderness.

v16-17: The psalmist looks too at evidence of God's hand in creation. Here is manifest not only God's mighty power, but His wonderful wisdom, in the patterns and cycles of creation. There is night and day, there are seasons; all designed for our good.

v18-23: The prayer of the godly; the battle is the Lord's. His Name is reproached and blasphemed, through the attacks upon His people.