Bible Notes Online - Psalms 79 - ESV

The desolation and misery of Israel, similar to Ps 74; this may be prophetic rather than historical.

v1-4: See Ps 74.3-11; the enemy in the ascendancy, God's people suffered all manner of affliction. The psalmist sees that the battle is the Lord's; the enemies have reproached the Lord God Himself (v12); an attack upon His people is an attack upon Him.

v5-8: God will vindicate His Name in two ways; in bringing judgment upon those who do not believe, and in restoring His people. The psalmist's question (v5) is when will these things be effected, "How long, O Lord?"

v9-10: The Lord will act for His own sake; our dependence is therefore upon Him, for we cannot change things in our own strength.

v11: Unless the Lord does act, the end is death; but the Lord does hear the cries of His people, Ex 2.24, and He is full of mercy.

v12: Again, a prayer for judgment upon those who have attacked God's people.

v13: Looking forward to the day of restoration.