Bible Notes Online - Psalms 53 - ESV

The depravity of mankind without God, similar to Ps 14.

v1-3: There is no one who does good, none who seek God; theses verses make absolute and clear statements about mankind. In contrast, Ps 50 promises good for the one who does seek God. The man who rejects good finds his behaviour corrupted, as in Rom 3, all aspects of his life are corrupted.

v4: The workers of iniquity, being ignorant of the truth, attack the people of God.

v5: They reject God now, and will come under His judgment, Ps 52.5.

v6: The truth of God's salvation; consistent with the division of mankind into good and bad, trusting and rejecting. In the uncomfortable circumstances of life, we need to know God's deliverance and salvation. Our salvation is not mere survival, but comes with joy and gladness.