Bible Notes Online - Psalms 121 - ESV

The Lord our help. The words were sung as the pilgrims approached Jerusalem.

v1-2: Hills were a place of refuge; men looked to the hills as an illustration of looking to the Lord, Ps 120.1; 123.2, see 125.1-2. But the truth was abused; the hills became dwelling places of gods, encouraging idolatry; 1 Kings 14.23; 20.23; 2 Kings 16.4; 2 Chr 28.4.

In the N.T. we see the blessing of being on a hill with the Lord; Matt 5.1; 17.1; 24.3; 28.16.

v3-4: His constant faithfulness; we cannot be so constant, and we need His watchfulness, so that our feet will not slip. This is true for each one, and for all God's people.

We may see our lives as a journey, so the image here becomes more powerful. The N.T. uses such an image; Gal 5.16; Eph 5.2; 1 Pet 2.21.

v5-6: God's protection; there is a constant drain in human life, and we need God's protection against the unknown and the known attacks.

v7: God will preserve our souls.

v8: His never-ending watchfulness; He cannot let us down.