Bible Notes Online - 2-Chronicles 14 - ESV

v1: Following Abijah's influence, the land enjoyed ten years of peace. The following reigns of Asa and Jehoshaphat, continued this influence. For more than 70 years, Judah enjoyed stability.

v2-5: Asa's faithfulness to God; he promoted the knowledge of God, as well as removing idolatry. As in the N.T. there is a need to put off and to put on (Rom 13.12; Eph 4.22-24; Col 3.8,12). This continued for 25 years until the attack of Baasha (16.1-3).

v6-7: During the time of peace, Asa took opportunity to build up defensive cities.

v8: Asa's army was larger than Abijah's (13.3), yet, without help from God, it was "powerless" (v11).

v9-11: In the time of opposition, Asa did not rely on his great army, but on God. The Lord God honoured his faith.

v12-15: Again, God gave a great victory. The army of Judah gathered much spoil.