Bible Notes Online - Job 36 - ESV

v1-4: Elihu wants to speak on God's behalf. There may be a demonstration of authority here, or simply a touch or arrogance. The prophet of God must speak the oracles of God; we may find it difficult to accept such authority, either in others, or in ourselves. We also note the need of humility (as in 32.6-9) and thoughtfulness (as in 33.1-7).

v5-21: Elihu declares God's righteousness.

v5: Many mighty men despise those lower than themselves, but God despises no one.

v6-7: God's justice to all; mankind is divided into righteous and wicked.

v8-11: Compare 2 Chr 33.11-13; the attitude of repentance. Our sins bring us into bondage and affliction; once there is a willingness to repent.

v12-14: God's judgment falls on the ungodly. The hypocrite is described like the perverted person; holding ungodly attitudes ("the godless in heart"), and speaking deceitful words, is no different from blatant immorality. Such may provide a cover for their rebellious attitude.

v15: God will make a distinction between those who are suffering because of the acts of others.

v16-21: The general words of repentance change to a fresh warning against Job, 'God would have brought you out of darkness had you turned back to Him.' Elihu seems to reach the same conclusion as the three friends; compare Eliphaz' words in 22.21-23.

v22-23: God is over all, knowing all things; no one can accuse Him of wrong-doing.

v24-25: Our response to God; remember to magnify His work, His testimony to all of mankind.

v26: God is great and unsearchable; Rom 11.33; 1 Cor 2.9-10.

v27-33: Elihu uses an example from creation to illustrate the greatness of God, and that He is beyond understanding.