Bible Notes Online - Job 29 - ESV

v1-6: Job looks back to days of blessing; he enjoyed the manifest presence of God;

  • He watched over me;
  • His lamp shone upon my head;
  • By His light I walked through darkness;
  • His intimate friendship blessed his house;
  • He was with me.

Life was rich; his steps bathed in cream, rivers of oil from the rock. But this is history, these blessings and comforts are remembered, but no longer experienced. Yet they would soon return.

v7-10: Job had a life of respect among the people, young men and old, princes and nobles, all alike respected him.

v11-13: Job maintained a concern for the poor, as testified by Eliphaz (4.3-4). It seems he brought great blessing to many.

v14-17: He maintained righteousness and justice, see 27.5-6. This was demonstrated in compassion for the blind, the lame, and the poor. He resolved problems and disputes. He maintained justice and fairness in situations of injustice.

v18-20: Job had not expected his way of life to change. When things are going well, when we are enjoying God's blessing upon our lives, we may not consider that He wants to move us on.

v21-25: Job's words were recognised as godly wisdom; words to be respected, words to resolve disputes, words to refresh, and words of reality and truth.