Bible Notes Online - Isaiah 35 - ESV

v1-2: Promises of fruitfulness for the children of Israel, experiencing the glory and excellence of God; contrasting with 34.8-15. Here is the inheritance through Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

v3-4: Such promises bring encouragement today; words here quoted in Heb 12.12-13. "Your God" will come with vengeance on unbelievers (ch 34) and salvation for His people (33.22). The reference in Hebrews means that we cannot restrict the blessings here is natural Jews, but to all in Christ. The "God" spoken of here will come amongst His people; this was true in the incarnation of Christ, and will be true at His future return.

v5-7: The barrenness of judgment replaced by fruitfulness, see also 29.18-19. The glory of Christ is manifest in His saving the unworthy; in revealing truth to the ignorant, in giving sight to the blind, 1 Cor 1.26-31. There are the signs of the Messiah, Luke 7.19-22, seen in the life of Christ.

v8-10: Holiness and security in the Lord; a road leading to Zion. The highway itself will be a place of blessing, a foretaste of the destination. Those who are ransomed by God will return joyfully. Even the early Christians were called followers of the Way, Acts 9.2. The life we lead is one of righteousness.