Bible Notes Online - Isaiah 32 - ESV

v1-8: The king reigning in righteousness; a clear picture of Jesus Christ.

v1: The king of the Jews, Christ, characterised by righteousness. He will have His rulers, princes, although no further reference is made of them; the emphasis is rightly on Him.

The people of Israel return to God, in 31.6-9, and experience His mighty deliverance from foreign enemies. They return to the King of righteousness and justice.

v2: A man will be a tabernacle, 4.6; 25.4; our protection from hardship, our strength to endure; our refreshment in difficult times.

v3-4: The people will become attentive to Him, having a spiritual appetite. The people will be changed, having a spiritual attitude. As we come to Christ, our hearts are changed, we gain spiritual understanding.

v5: No more overlooking of ungodliness, no more injustice; He will always judge fairly. The righteous king will expose sin for what it is. Man's sin will be exposed, Rev 22.11. The Lord is hard with those who offer much but deliver nothing, and with those who lead His people astray. The Lord always judges rightly, and His people must learn to do likewise.

v7: The evil of men to remove justice from the poor.

v8: The noble men is rewarded, for the Lord makes a distinction between good and evil. The prophet speaks here of a godly remnant, standing apart from the prevalent evil of his day.

v9: The complacency of riches, see 3.13-26; the effect was that they ceased looking to the Lord.

v10-11: Although there was wealth, spiritually the people were barren and poor; the command was to mourn over the reality, leaving aside the appearance.

v12-14: Mourning and desolation. Unless they chose mourning, they would find desolation.

v15: After this time there is promised fruitfulness; which is in God' time. Israel had to endure trials, as God's punishment and purification; yet His restoration brings much more than was lost, as the desert is made fertile. God's Spirit is poured out, an indication of God's generosity towards His people.

v16-20: This great fruitfulness is in Christ the king, linking with v1-2. Justice and righteousness will be dominant, even where there was once mourning and trials. The wilderness becomes the place of rebuke, Ezek 20.36. The people of God will dwell securely, in eternal peace and confidence.