Bible Notes Online - Isaiah 12 - ESV

v1: God's anger will be over, and relationship between God and His people restored. The people will once again join in a song of joy.

v2: See Ex 15.2; the return of the people of Israel will be seen with the same importance as the deliverance from Egypt. Even today Jewish people remember the Passover each year, some 3500 years after the original events.

11.15-16 indicates similarities with the later, prophesied, return. The river Euphrates will be divided for the people to cross over, just as the Red Sea was dried for them.

The Lord has "become" my salvation; something that happens. Salvation, whether for the nation, or an individual, is God's work. Isaiah's name means 'God is my salvation,' and he uses his own name here (as in 7.3; 8.3, where he uses his sons' names).

v3: Refreshment, water from the wells of salvation. This water is drawn to be shared, as His Name is declared amongst the nations.

v4: Ps 105.1; salvation followed by praise and proclamation. God's work is to be declared "among the nations," and made known throughout the earth, that all may know the greatness of God.

v5-6: Invitation for the people of Zion to join in singing praise to the Lord God.