Bible Notes Online - Exodus 18 - ESV

v1-6: Moses had earlier married Zipporah, see 2.21-22. She had remained with her father Jethro since Moses returned to Egypt in 4.24-26.

v7-8: Moses shared with Jethro about what had happened.

v9: Jethro rejoiced with Moses over all that the Lord had done for Israel. It is good to share in the joy of others, Rom 12.15.

v11: The events reported were a testimony to Jethro, who as a Midianite, did not know the true God. He referred to the Egyptians in general, and to Pharaoh (1.12), and the magicians (8.19) in particular, who had treated Israel arrogantly. Jethro realised that God had acted in power for His own Name's sake.

v12: Jethro shared in the worship of God. We may say he was the first convert to the Jewish faith.

v13: The practice of Moses on this day was evidently his regular practice, to judge the people. By this he resolved their disputes.

v14: Jethro observed what Moses was doing. He first just asked Moses what he was doing.

v15-16: Moses' reply was that he taught the people God's decrees and laws (for example in 16.23). Only later was the law written down, and the people entered into the Covenant of Law. Even so, God's standards of righteousness remain. Moses was also sorting out their disputes, using the law to teach the people the right way to live.

v17-18: Jethro's wisdom. He said that the practice was not good, for both Moses and the people were suffering. The one-man ministry is not good.

v19-20: Moses' role defined as the priestly role, to lay down God's standard for the people, and to be God's representative among the people.

v21-22: The work of resolving disputes was to be delegated to able men of righteous character. Such men would share Moses' load. In a similar way, authority and responsibility in the church is borne by elders and deacons. The selection of these men is by the standards of God, not by human opinion.

v23: Jethro was confident that the new leadership structure would bring a great blessing to all the people.

v24-26: Moses implemented Jethro's advice, recognising his wisdom. Later the Lord gave His Spirit upon 70 of the men, so they could share the burden with Moses, Num 11.16-17.