Bible Notes Online - Judges 14 - ESV

v1-3: Samson's choice of a wife did not please his parents; the Philistine was "the right one for me". It is sad indeed that there was not an acceptable woman among the people of God.

Samson appears to be aggressive towards his parents, "get her for me"; rather he should have shown respect for them (1 Pet 5.5). He declared, “She’s the right one for me,” but his judgment was clearly unwise and unspiritual. He had previously only “seen” her, and was merely attracted by her appearance.

v4: The Lord used Samson's folly for His own purposes, to bring conflict between Samson and the Philistines. The oppression by the Philistines had perhaps become acquiescence by Israel of their new masters. This situation could not remain, and God would bring deliverance.

v5-7: Samson learned, by experience, that God had given him great strength. The incident appears to be a test and a lesson for Samson; how conscious of his vows and calling was he?

v8-9: Samson ate honey from the carcass of the lion. This was contrary to the Nazirite vow. It seems the Lord God 'overlooked' this. It is as well that there is not immediate punishment upon us for every wrong-doing.

v10-13: Samson’s riddle – this little ‘game’ began a period conflict between Samson and the Philistines.

v14: Samson the poet; also v18; 15.16.

v15-17: The woman of Timnah was deceitful, asking Samson for the answer to the riddle, so she could tell the Philistines; there was little real love between them (15.2).  At the same time, the Philistines’ treatment of her was harsh and threatening.

The woman of Timnah pressed Samson for the answer to his riddle; in the same way Delilah nagged him about the secret of his strength in 16.16.

v18: Samson knew how they had found out the answer.

v19: To fulfil his promise, Samson raided the Philistines, to obtain 30 sets of clothes, see v13. The Philistines at the wedding would have known this, they were not new garments.

v20: Samson lost his wife, for she was given to another. Samson lost what his heart was set on.