Bible Notes Online - Jeremiah 27 - ESV

v1: See also 28.1, where Jeremiah clashed with Hananiah early in Zedekiah's reign.

v2-3: A message to surrounding nations, Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre and Sidon, see 25.21-22. Envoys had come from these nations to see Zedekiah, and these same envoys would have to return with the message from Jeremiah.

v4-6: All these nations were to become subject to Nebuchadnezzar. Even here we see a picture of Christ's dominion; for all shall bow the knee before Him.

God has every right to give the earth and its inhabitants to whomever He pleases. Since, ultimately, God is in control, we need not fear even the most powerful human authority.

v7: After a period of almost universal domination, Babylon would serve other nations. See 25.12,14.

v8: The alternative was destruction; paradoxically, Nebuchadnezzar became the means that many lives were saved, those who served him and his people.

v9-11: False religion in the various nations consistently proclaimed peace and security, but the message was a lie.

v12-15: The same message to Zedekiah and the people of Judah, see 21.8-10. Do not listen to the false prophets who proclaimed peace; to obey them is to perish.

v16-18: The vessels of the temple; a test for the false prophets. They had promised that those vessels already taken by Nebuchadnezzar would be returned. Jeremiah introduced a further test of their message; Would the vessels still in Jerusalem be taken to Babylon?

v19-22: The Lord stated His hand concerning the vessels left in Jerusalem. They too would be taken to Babylon; fulfilled 52.17-23, see 2 Chr 36.18. These vessels were in Babylon later, see Dan 5.2-3,23, at Belshazzar's feast.

The vessels would later be restored to Jerusalem, see Ezra 1.7; consistent with the prophecies concerning the people, "I will bring them back to this land," see 24.6.