Bible Notes Online - Genesis 45 - ESV

v1: Just as Joseph was made known to his brothers, so Christ will be revealed to Israel, first in private, and then in a public way (see v16).

v3: Sorrow and joy mixed (as in v15). When Christ is revealed, there is sorrow at sins not confessed, and joy at seeing Him.

v5-8: Joseph acknowledged God's overruling (see 50.15-21), and he held nothing against his brothers. The Lord treats His people in the same way (Jer 31.34), forgiving their sins.

v5: God had sent Joseph to Egypt, to preserve life; indeed all life was in his hands.

v6: The timing was perfect; the famine still had five years to run. Joseph knew that God's word would not fail. There was no doubt about the total seven years.

v8-9: Although the brothers had planned evil, Joseph had in fact been sent by God (John 19.10-11). Further, he had been made ruler of Egypt. In prophecy the kingdoms of the world become the kingdoms of Christ (47.14-20).

v10-11: Joseph had authority over all the land, and could give it to whoever he wanted. He allowed his family to settle in Goshen, the best of the land (see v18). His family would be near to him (1 John 3.2), and he would provide for them (Rev 21.23).

v14-15: As the truth dawned, there was deep joy.

v16: The Egyptians did not learn of the brothers’ appalling treatment of Joseph; such grace that he should receive them so well.

v17-20: Pharaoh was pleased to give the best land to Joseph's family. His family were blessed for his sake. The nation of Israel will be blessed for Christ's sake.

v24: A pertinent word! "Don't quarrel". The Lord Jesus had to rebuke His disciples for quarrelling; the servant of the Lord should not quarrel.

v26-28: Jacob can scarcely believe the new message; he had been in fear of losing Benjamin, but had gained Joseph.