Bible Notes Online - Deuteronomy 33 - ESV

v1: Before he ascended the mountain, Moses gave a final blessing to the people.

v2-5: Moses referred to God's love and grace in choosing the people of Israel for Himself. Notice too the mention of new authorities to rule in their lives; the instruction of the law was given, that they might live by it; and this was given through Moses, "king over Jeshurun".

Moses brought a blessing to each tribe, especially for Levi and Joseph; but Simeon is omitted.

v9: Levi's devotion to God far exceeded any human loyalties; see Ex 32.26-28. This prefigures the way of Christ, seeking God’s glory above all others. It also points us to the way of Christ for His followers; Luke 14.25-33.

v10-11: Since Levi was given special responsibilities, in terms of the worship of God, and the teaching of the law, Moses asked that God might bring special blessing upon them.

v13-17: Although Judah was to produce the royal line, and ultimately the line of Christ, Joseph best pictures Christ (Gen 49.22);

  • he was blessed with the precious things from Heaven; John 3.13, the Son of Man who came down form Heaven;
  • he was blessed with eternal blessings (v15); John 1.1,14, in the beginning was the Word, and the Word became flesh;
  • he was separate from his brothers; Gen 49.26; Christ far exceeded all men in His perfection;
  • he will win victory over the peoples, v17;
  • Ephraim was set before Manasseh, v17; Gen 48.20.


v24-25: It is interesting that Asher is named last; his name means "happy", and happy indeed are those who know the Lord God as described in the verses that follow.

v26: There is no one like our God, no blessing like His blessing; He is our help, our refuge, our security, our shield; the false gods cannot offer the same. In Him are excellence and eternity, majesty and victory.

v27: Israel can have total confidence in Him, as we can. Since the eternal God is my refuge, I need not fear.

v28: The new land into which they were about to enter was a land of fruitfulness and safety.

v29: Israel was unique, being the people of the Lord, just as He is unique; 28.13; they would become the head, not the tail, and be above not beneath. This meant victory over other peoples.