Bible Notes Online - Deuteronomy 29 - ESV

v1-8: The words of the covenant, which was here renewed before the people entered into Canaan. The covenant is linked especially with God's works of power of behalf of His people. Compare Ex 20.2 and Deut 5.6, where the Ten Commandments are prefaced with the truth that God had delivered the people from Egypt.

v2-3: Moses refers first to the mighty deliverance from Egypt. The nation was delivered into relationship with God.

v4: The people did not yet understand God's grace and power. They had seen much, but understood little. They lacked a heart to perceive; a diet of miracles is never sufficient; they needed a new heart, created in them by God.

v5-6: God had led the people through the wilderness, preserving them, thereby demonstrating His power.

v7-8: Enemies arose to attack Israel, but these were defeated. Another sign of God's power. Moses does not dwell on the circumstances of the giving of the land to Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh.

v9: 'Therefore', as a result of all that God had done, the people should be expected to keep His covenant.

v10-15: The covenant;

  • was based on God's promises which can never be broken;
  • was made at God's initiative, for His desire was to enter into relationship with man;
  • was made to fulfil promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob;
  • was made not just with those present at this occasion, but with the Israelite nation as a whole.

v11: The aliens cut wood and carried water, which the Gibeonites later did, Josh 9.27.

v16-18: The particular call to avoid the "bitter poison" of idolatry.

v19-21: The covenant was made to promote obedience, and to discourage disobedience, and that in everyone. The people had to understand that these were serious matters, and that departure from God's ways was not a light thing. Where even a single person was tempted to go his own way, he would be severely punished.

v22-28: The consequences of disobedience would be seen by others, to the shame of Israel.

v29: God had revealed certain things to His people; we understand that these are sufficient. The word is very near, that they might obey (30.14). There is no room for speculation regarding other things.