Bible Notes Online - Nehemiah 8 - ESV

v1: Ezra's ministry was different to Nehemiah's. He was the priest and scribe and teacher of the Law of Moses; whilst Nehemiah was leader and governor. This chapter is the first to explicitly bring the two men together, see v9.

All the people were gathered in the open square, not in the temple, so that all could be present, and all could hear as the Law was read and explained. Ezra brought the Book, implying something complete and permanent. Here was God's message communicated to men.

‘We know with what solemnity the first day of the seventh month was observed at the time of Ezra, and how deeply moved the people were by the public reading and explanation of the law, which to so many of them came like a strange sound, all the more solemn, that after so long a period they heard it again on that soil, which, as it were, bore witness to its truth.’ (Alfred Edersheim, The Temple, its ministry and service)

v2: The wall was completed on the 25th day of the 6th month; the people gathered on the 1st day of the 7th month.

v3: The Law was read for some hours, and the people remained attentive to hear it.

v4: Ezra had had a wooden platform built, so that the people could see and hear. Solomon had also built a platform, 2 Chr 6.13.

v5: When Ezra opened the Book, the people stood up, showing respect for the word of God.

v6: The people worshipped God, raising their hands, shouting "Amen!", and bowed the the ground. Here is reality of respect for God, and for His word.

v7-8: The priests and Levites explained what God's Law meant. Those so called of God must help others to understand, and to be able to teach others also (2 Tim 2.2).

v9-12: A response of joy and holiness; many wept (v9); their emotions were real; Nehemiah directed that their response be godly. People do not always know how to respond to the work of God in their lives. Here that meant they were joyful, and not to grieve. Food was provided for those in need.

v13: The next day many leaders met with Ezra to further understand Gods word. Ezra was clearly the leader in respect of reading and explaining God's law to them. This is an important principle of scripture, so that the truth of God's word be spread amongst His people.

v14-15: Immediate application; God had said it, they must do it. Specifically they found the command to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, Lev 23.24-25.

v16-17: The people went out the collect branches to make booths. They had great gladness in obeying the word. The nation had neglected this joyful duty for many years.

v18: Throughout the Feast, Ezra read more of the Law to the people.