Bible Notes Online - Hosea 2 - ESV

v1: From 1.10-11, the restored relationship with God.

v2-5: The charge against Gomer, and against Israel. She is guilty of adultery, but she is called to repentance (v2), thereby avoiding judgment (v3); compare Jer 2.9-13. Her attitude is exposed, "I will go after my lovers," indicating her carnal attitude, and her refusal to seek the Lord.

Many find an attraction in sins, Jer 44.15-19, seeking the "treasures of Egypt" (Heb 11.25-26), but this can only be for a season. We may also forget the good things that God has done for us, Ps 44.1-3.

v6-8       Hosea’s first tactic is to frustrate Gomer, blocking her path, to stop her pursuing her “lovers.” He does this to demonstrate his faithfulness. Like Ephesus, she left her first love; and tolerated rivals. The plan was that she would realise the blessings she enjoyed in Hosea’s household.

In the same way, God’s initial judgment upon Israel was gentle. Only later, when the nation persisted in sin, did more severe judgment follow.

v9-10: Suffering in store for Israel, as God removes His blessings.

v11-13: Even during her unfaithfulness, Israel maintained Feast Days, New Moons, Sabbaths; keeping an appearance of religion, Is 1.13-14. But God is not fooled when we neglect "the weightier matters of the law."

v14-23: Hosea points to a future restoration of Israel, esp. to a new relationship with God. There is no mention of geographical exile and return, but rather spiritual desolation, and subsequent restoration.

v14: Israel taken into the wilderness, Ezek 20.35-36, where the Lord God will allure, or woo, her. The way of judgment apparently brought little real repentance. Instead, God speaks lovingly to His wayward people, to bring them back to Himself.

v15: Israel's song, as at the beginning, in Ex 15; such will be the restoration. The Valley of Achor (Josh 7.25-27) had previously been a place of judgment; now to be a door of hope.

v16: "My husband," indicating the new relationship through Christ, not through the law.

v17: The experience of idolatry will be past, the names of idols not even mentioned. Such will be the thoroughness of the restoration.

v18: The new covenant, including beasts, birds, creatures, as well as the removal of warfare; ensuring total peace and security for God's people.

v19-20: Betrothed to the Lord God, a never-ending relationship. Characterised by; righteousness and justice, love and compassion.

v21-22: Fruitfulness on the earth, because God will sow; hence "Jezreel," Is 61.3.

v23: See 1.6,9; Hosea's children's names now fulfilled. Yet the nation, once unloved will again be loved by God. Previously they were not His people, having been rejected. Now they are accepted again.