Bible Notes Online - Zephaniah 3 - ESV

v1: Having addressed other nations, 2.4-15, the Lord's attention turns towards Jerusalem (compare Amos 1-2). Judah was supposed to be the light to the nations, declaring the righteousness of God in a dark world. It was not enough to be a little better than the Gentiles, the people of God must be like God.

In 2.1, she is the shameful nation, here the city of oppressors, rebellious and defiled.

v2: Jerusalem;

guilty before God, and soon to be brought to account;

disobedient, incorrigible, without faith, without devotion;

missing out on the privileges of knowing God.

v3-4: The leaders picked out; officials, rulers, prophets, priests; they are the ones who have led the people astray. They are described as roaring lions and evening (scavenging) wolves.

v5: In contrast, the Lord God in the midst of the people always does right.

v6-7: Judah failed to realise all the good the Lord has done, Is 5.1-7. Yet the people refused the instruction and correction of the Lord.

v8: Unbelieving nations gathered for judgment; as elsewhere the earth is devoured, see 1.2-3.

v9-13: The faithful remnant, the inheritance of the house of Israel, the one nation whom the Lord has redeemed for Himself, 2 Sam 7.23.

v9: There will be a pure language, reversing the curse of Babel, and therefore promoting unity. Using this pure language, people will once more call upon the name of the Lord in true faith.

v10: Worship and restoration, bringing an offering, and returning those previously scattered among the nations.

v11: Forgiveness of sins, Gen 50.17-21; the people, having realised their rebellion against God will experience His forgiveness.

v12: Humility; a vital evidence of the work of God in our lives; as we submit to His will, we will develop this quality. The purging of the Lord leaves the meek and humble, see 2.3.

v13: The remnant; righteous, truthful and honest, and secure.

v14-17: Jerusalem rejoicing in God's faithfulness.

v14: A great future is promised; no wonder there is a command to shout aloud, be glad and rejoice!

v15: Judgment will be turned away, the enemy cast out, and no more harm or disaster will befall them.

v16: No more fear nor frailty.

v17: Again, the Lord in their midst; contrast v5; see Deut 23.14. he will: save;

take great delight in you; the people will share His joy;

quiet you with His love; and

rejoice over you with singing.

v18-20: Further encouragement; as Judah teeters on the edge of disaster and defeat, the Lord brings more promises for them. One day all rebellion will be past, and the Messiah will dwell among His people.

v18: The Lord first addresses those who sorrow over Israel's reproach; here is a commendation for those who intercede for the Lord's people.

v19: The Lord will deal with those who oppressed the people; this will be a final such judgment, and will not need to be repeated.

v20: The nation regathered and exalted, given honour amongst the nations.