Bible Notes Online - Ruth 3 - ESV

v1-4: Naomi's unselfish concern for Ruth, seeking security for her. Ruth had first come under Naomi's wing (1.14), then the Lord's (2.12), and now Boaz. This brought safety (Ps 17.8), security (Ps 36.7), fellowship with God (Ex 25.20), and salvation (Matt 23.37). The Lord intends that His people fully enjoy His wings.

In Middle Eastern cultures, the parents had a key role in securing a husband for their daughter; Naomi carried out this role for Ruth.

v5-6: It is indicative of Ruth's love and respect for Naomi that she did exactly what she was told.

v7-9: The evening of revelry, not drunkenness, ended with Boaz sleeping with his workers. Ruth's request (v9) was for marriage (Ezek 16.8). The kinsman-redeemer had a responsibility to raise up children for his dead brother, or close relative. This provision was referred to in Deut 25.5-10; and; Matt 22.24; Luke 20.27-39.

v10-13: Boaz was clearly attracted to Ruth, and was happy to care for her. Yet the law had to be obeyed, and the nearer kinsman had to be approached first. Ruth already had a testimony of being a virtuous woman.

v14: There was proper purity and restraint in their love.

v15: Boaz gave Ruth a load of barley, as a promise of his word. This also is a picture of the Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our eternal redemption.

v16:Naomi’s continuing concern.

v17: Boaz' words, that Ruth should not return empty handed; surely the Lord never sends us on our way empty handed.

v18: Ruth left the matter entirely in Boaz' hands, trusting his faithfulness to do what he had said. Further, he would not rest until the matter was settled. Again, picturing Christ, who saves us and keeps us, and completes His work in us (Phil 1.6).