Bible Notes Online - Proverbs 5 - ESV

Chapters 5 - 7 deal much with issues of purity and adultery, a vital area for young men to consider. As in the previous chapters, the sections are introduced by key phrases;

  • my son, pay attention (5.1);
  • now then, my sons, listen to me (5.7);
  • my son, if you...(6.1);
  • my son, keep your father's commands (6.20);
  • my son, keep my words (7.1);
  • now then, my sons, listen to me; pay attention (7.24).

One can imagine father and mother providing such guidance, first to their oldest son, and then to all their children.

v1-14: Keep clear of the immoral woman.

v1: Pay attention and lend your ears; we need wisdom and understanding of others. Here comes an important warning, and we are foolish to think that we already have all the answers.

v2: Preserve knowledge, or discretion, keep understanding; in particular, we must maintain a life of purity and integrity.

v3: Beware the deceitful mouth (4.24), making sin attractive (7.5, 13-21). It is with her enticing speech that she caused the simple (ignorant) man to yield to her temptations.

v4-5: Consider the end; destruction, sorrow, death. Look beyond the immediate, short-term, experience and enjoyment; consider the inevitable end of her ways.

v6: Do not even ponder her way of life, for just to think about such things can excite sin; we are commanded to ponder the way of truth (4.26). The immoral woman is ignorant of truth; she does not know that she is going to disaster, nor that she takes others there too.

v7: As in v1, listen and obey.

v8: Avoid the place of temptation; this advice is utterly practical.

v9-11: The future of regret, having fallen into adultery.

v12-14: The after-effects of adultery; realising the folly of not obeying the truth. Having fallen, it is impossible to turn the clock back, and the damage is done.

v15-20: Keep close at home. The answer to temptation is to stay close; we can do something to avoid sin. This implies that sexual sin is powerful as well as dangerous, and Scripture lists many who fell into this sin.

v15: Personal relationship, demanding utter faithfulness.

v16: Private relationship; to be kept secret.

v17: Unique relationship, exclusive to a man and woman.

v18: A permanent relationship, lasting throughout life.

v19: A satisfying relationship; real enjoyment together, "always...ever."

v20: Such closeness helps to keep us form adultery; purity promotes godly pleasure. The scripture brings both teaching (6.23-24) and warning (6.26,32). The wise man is careful in his choice of wife (12.4; 18.22; 19.14; 31.10-31).

In a similar way, we must maintain a proper relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, staying faithful to Him, enjoying His presence and His love.

v21: The Lord knows and understands, so we can commit all our ways to Him.

v22: The natural man is readily trapped in sin; without the Lord, he is utterly impotent to break free.

v23: Lack of instruction; the man who misses the warnings of scripture will fall into sin.