Bible Notes Online - Micah 2 - ESV

v1-2: Some plan sins, reflecting the normal human heart full of iniquity, delighting in evil. It seems the rich and influential are specifically referred to here. We must be careful not to misuse our authority.

Micah names certain sins; we name sins so that there might be repentance. Compare Amos 2.6-8 in relation to the injustices that the leaders perpetrate.

v3: The sins of Judah cause the Lord to devise disaster against her; this is the clear response to their sins. They plan iniquity; He plans disaster.

v4-5: The bitter lamentation. Having shown injustice in the ownership of land, they will experience the loss of that land.

v6: The true prophet is rejected; his message of "disgrace" not palatable. The false prophets oppose his message.

v7: The real message is that the Spirit of God is angry with the people of God.

The message is good in that the people could repent, and enjoy God's blessing. The message is also good to those who walk uprightly, for they have a blessing from God. The Scriptures are a savour of life to life, John 3.21.

Micah refers to the Spirit of the Lord, see also 3.8; He is the Spirit of righteousness, empowering the prophet to declare the message of God.

v8-9: They mistreat others, and deceive them.

v10: The people effectively reject God; and He will reject them, turning them out of their "resting place."

v11: The false prophet and his message is heeded; his promises of personal pleasure accepted.

v12-13: The future regathering of Israel, as a shepherd gathers his sheep. The Lord will be at the head, indicating the restored relationship with Him.