Bible Notes Online - Ecclesiastes 11 - ESV

v1-8: Lessons in service and evangelism.

v1: Farmers on the Nile river sowed seed in bread during the annual flood, so the seed had started to germinate by the time the floods receded. Although there is difficulty and opposition, we must use wisdom and ingenuity in our service. The fruit may not come immediately, but "after many days." We are to preach in season and out of season (2 Tim 4.2).

v2: An attitude of generosity, be a giver, sow generously not sparingly. 'That which you have given away returns (Kaonde Proverb, Zambia).'

v3: The rain speaks of bringing blessing to others, even at the cost of emptying ourselves, or laying down our lives; this speaks too of Christ's humility, 2 Cor 8.9; Phil 2.6-8.

The tree speaks of the limited time we have; once the tree is down, it will not be moved, but has to be cut up where it lays. 'Only one life, will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last.' Also, we find that certain decisions in our lives will have long-term consequences; choice of training, career, home, partner, etc. We must be careful that we make our decisions wisely.

The certainty of death must fire us to faithful service for Christ. We have no second chance.

v4: Coping with difficulty and hardship; the danger is idleness and fear of man; we see complacency instead of commitment. Not only will we not sow, but we will not reap; the farmer would starve, not immediately but later, if he didn't sow due to the hard times; see also 10.18. The Ethiopian Proverb says; 'The dog I bought bit me; the fire I kindled burned me.'

v5: God's work is not always apparent immediately, John 3.8, spiritual growth is invisible, but God does give the increase. Trust the one who knows the unknown.

v6: Our part is liberal, faithful sowing, for God has already promised to be faithful; there is a reward in the lives of others.

v7-8: Use our time profitably, for there will be days of darkness, but we must remain faithful.

v9-10: The encouragement to 'follow your heart' is often heard in our western culture, as a form of self-authentication. Yet the heart is not infallible. The BIble goes further and says that the human heart is deceitful. No wonder the writer says that God will judge. 

The opportunity in younger years to draw near to God, to put away evil. Lay the foundation of a life of godliness. This theme continues into chapter 12.