Bible Notes Online - 2-Thessalonians 3 - ESV

v1-2: As we proclaim the message of God, we encounter some who oppose the message;

  • unbelief affects the mind, and some are unreasonable;
  • unbelief affects the actions, and some are wicked.

Not all have faith; universalism (which clams that all will be saved) is not true. And when we lack faith, we begin to live like unbelievers.

It is against this background that Paul requests prayer, that there might be fruit for the gospel. He looks for length, for rapid spread; and for width, that the word of God be honoured.

v3: In the environment of unbelief, we look to the Lord to establish us in the true faith, and to guard us from unbelief, and its influence.

v4: Our confidence is in the Lord, 1 Thess 4.9-10. This motivates us to press on; that the Thessalonians "will continue" in what Paul commanded.

v5: Therefore we pray to the Lord that we might know love and perseverance, from God.

v6: The discipline of believers; every brother must be subject to God's standards. An individual living an idle or disorderly life must be disciplined, see also v14.

This command is preceded with, "in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ," indicating true authority. This is not some whim of Paul's.

v7-9: Paul's example; he could have insisted on receiving material provision, but he chose not to use that authority (as in 1 Cor 9.1-18). He thus provided an example for the people in how to live.

v10-11: Some are lazy and disorderly, see also 1 Thess 5.14. There may have been an unruly element in the church; these words provide a warning to such.

v12: The command is clear; repent, and work in quietness.

v13: For all, persist in doing right.

v14-15: Some may not heed the warning; for such there is firm discipline, but never the loss of brotherly affection.

v16: The closing prayer for peace and the presence of God.

v17: Paul's personal words, see 2.2.

v18: Prayer for grace.