Bible Notes Online - Revelation 5 - ESV

v1-3: The scroll, God's plan for creation, to be fulfilled in Christ. God shows a scroll to Ezekiel (Ezek 2.9-10), and it is implied in Dan 10.21. The seal shows that the scroll is authentic, truly the plans of God. Yet the seal keeps the plans secret until opened.

John reports, "no-one in heaven or on earth or under the earth..." Christ is the only solution, the only Saviour. (1 Cor 15.12-19). There is no alternative Saviour.

v4: To open the scroll demands not strength nor even wisdom, but worthiness. The many citizens of Heaven, in all their perfection and blamelessness, could not provide one worthy. John wept much, knowing that the opening of the scroll was important.

v5-7: The Lion is the Lamb, He has prevailed, although He was slain. Here are paradoxes in the Lord Jesus. Yet here too is His uniqueness; these words can describe no one else. The various aspects of John's vision declare the glory, uniqueness and perfection of Christ.

The seven horns speak of His strength, contrasting with John's observation that the Lamb has been slain. The seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth. They are sent from the Lamb, taking His character. They also show that He is all-knowing.

v8: The four living creatures and the 24 elders fell down before the Lamb, to worship Him, just as they worshipped God the Father in chapter 4. They brought the prayers of the saints, which are accepted in Christ. In Ps 141.2 the prayers of the worshipper are as incense.

v9: Christians are His blood-bought, redeemed people, joined to God by the blood of the Lamb. The elders recognised that they were in Heaven because Jesus Christ shed His blood for them. It is by this that He is declared to be worthy.

This is a new song; through the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, everything has changed. Through Him, many are freed to become the people of God. The kingdom of God is now gaining ground; His will is done on earth as it is in Heaven.

v10: Our God is His God (1.6); we have the privilege of adoption. We are kings and priests (1.6). God had promised this to Israel in Ex 19.6, but Israel has never fully embraced this calling, preferring instead a life of law.

v11-12: The myriad of angelic beings join in the praise of Christ, using words similar to those addressed to God (4.11).

v13: Every creature in Heaven joined in the corporate praise of Father and Son. In v8, 24 sing to the Lamb; that grows to multi-millions in v11, and here to all created things.

v14: The four living creatures cried out "Amen!" For all were in agreement.

Chapters 4 and 5 of the book of Revelation paint a big picture:

  • Heaven is the focus, giving us a proper perspective of events on the earth.
  • The Lord God Almighty and the Lamb of God are supreme, demanding our attention.
  • The Lamb who was slain, Jesus Christ is worthy to open the scroll & is worthy to occupy the throne.
  • Our response is worship & adoration. (Let’s lay aside our natural tendency to speculation.)