Bible Notes Online - John 16 - ESV

v1: Continuing from the end of chapter 15. Jesus' emphasis here is that persecutions will come from religious people.

Jesus' words here are a warning and a preparation for His disciples, giving them confidence in His strength to uphold and to deliver them, 2 Cor 1.10.

v2: Those opposing Christians will regard their actions as obedience to God, Acts 6.9,14; 9.1-2; Phil 3.6.

v3: These things are a proof to us of salvation, and to them of judgement, Phil 1.28. The reality is "they have not known the Father nor me."

v4: What it happens, remember! Also, the disciples would have to bear these things without the physical presence of Christ. Yet they would know the presence of the Holy Spirit. The occurrence of persecutions need not surprise us; and we can know God's grace and strength to stand firm.

v5-6: Jesus was soon to return to Heaven, back to the Father. We are not surprised that the disciples were filled with sorrow.

v7: The only condition on the sending of the Holy Spirit was that Christ was departing.

He comes, to abide in us and with us (14.16-17); He teaches us all things (14.26); He testifies of Christ (15.26); and He guides us into all truth (v13).

v8-11: As far as the world is concerned, He brings conviction, continuing Christ's own work;

He testifies of unbelief, the sin that keeps men from Christ and His salvation;

He testifies of righteousness, demonstrating the perfect character of Christ after He has gone; and

He testifies of judgment to come, for the ruler of this world is judged, defeated, cast out, and judgement therefore falls upon the world that rejects Christ.

Satan is here described as the 'prince of this world.' Satan has usurped man's God-given authority. Through Christ Satan's dominion is being invaded.

v12: The Lord Himself had much to say, too much for the disciples at that time. Further, the N.T. still had to be completed.

v13: The coming of the Holy Spirit;

  • promised and guaranteed by Jesus' own words;
  • "He" is a real person, just like Jesus;
  • He guides us into all truth, for there is no imperfection in Him;
  • He testifies of Christ, 1 Cor 12.3;
  • He speaks only what He hears, compare 5.19; 12.49;
  • He speaks of the future.

When men claim the Holy Spirit's anointing, these things provide a test. When we claim to speak His words, these same standards apply to us also.

v14: The Holy Spirit came to glorify Christ, revealing the truths of Christ to us.

v15: The total unity of Father and Son and Holy Spirit. The Son and the Spirit hear the Father, and do His will, and reveal His will to His people.

v16: Christ was soon to leave, "in a little while." He also spoke of His return to them after His resurrection.

v17-19: Although the disciples did not ask Jesus their question, He answered them. We must not be afraid to ask for His explanation.

They key here is the resurrection, which was proved by Jesus' subsequent appearances to the Twelve, or to some of them. There would be just a little while, before His resurrection when they would not see Him.

v20-22: Trials and sorrows for the disciples, as Jesus was to be taken from them, and they would know He had died, see also v32-33. Again, we see that the Lord prepared His disciples for what was to follow.

The promise here is that He will see them, bringing blessings of encouragement. This is a reference to His physical appearance amongst them.

v23-24: The encouragement to pray "in My name." In light of Jesus' departure, the disciples had to put into practice the lessons they had learned about prayer, and also lessons they were yet to learn. The Father is generous to His children for Christ's sake, "my Father will give will receive."

v25-28: Continued unity between Father and Son. Although the Son is our mediator, He does not have to convince an unwilling Father to answer prayers. The disciples had to appreciate the unity between the Father and Jesus Christ, whom they had come to recognise as the Son of God.

v29-30: As the discussion reached its conclusion, the disciples testified to feeling stronger, and more ready to face whatever the future held for them.

v31: The Lord Jesus had given Himself for just a few, getting them ready for His departure, the coming of the Holy Spirit, and the new adventure of the church. His work was nearly complete.

v32: The imminent attack would bring defeat and disappointment, "you will leave me all alone," as their loyalty was put to its stiffest test. Jesus warned them and prophesied their reaction, so that they would not become discouraged by their failure to stick by Him.

v33: The Lord's summary;

  • our expectation is peace in Christ, whatever the circumstances, knowing that the world will only give tribulation;
  • our confidence is that Christ has overcome the world.